Student Payment
HD Shanghai

Primary Curriculum

Drama in Education

Drama is a key element of the curriculum at HD Shanghai, which we believe is central to language acquisition and the development of well-rounded learners.

Drama at HD, is delivered and formed through activities which integrate with arts and instructiveness into learning, such as role-play and scenario improvisation, so that sensibilities and aesthetic abilities can be elevated, imagination and creativity expanded, and critical thinking skills improved.

HD Drama is developed systematically with a focus on the mental characteristics and ability development of learners of different ages in mind. This involves a progression in the nature of experience beginning with second grade learners playing with drama by experiencing lively and interesting picture books, through to students in fifth grade reshaping characters in classic works so that they can reflect, improve and develop themselves.

HD Shanghai also set up a Drama Club to satisfy the demands of students with greater interest and full potential in drama. The regular performances of the HD Drama Club not only provide a platform and a stage for students who are keen on performing arts but also nourish the artistic appreciation for rest of the students.

In August 2018 we were excited to be shortlisted as a model school for a key programme by the Ministry of Education which concerned disseminating thoughts and culture through the medium of drama.
